How to stop the “Man/Woman Over Board Syndrome!!”

      How to stop the “Man/Woman Over Board Syndrome!!” One of the most important parts of the recruiting process(yes the recruiting process) is the on-boarding. I mean did you really think our jobs as recruiters end with the “I accept”? It is imperative your company has an on-boarding process, and recruiters play a […]

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The Candidate Experience!!!

  The Candidate Experience!! The candidates experience is one of the most important parts of recruiting and staffing. You must remember the experience a candidate has interviewing(this includes phone interviews) will go a long way in determining whether the candidate would accept an offer. The key is to remember as much as we are interviewing […]

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Diversity Sourcing Part 4!!

  Here is the second to last in the 4 part series on Diversity Sourcing. We already looked at Women, African Americans and Hispanic so now let’s focus on Native American. As I said in my previous post remember diversity sourcing is a very special skill. You need to have knowledge of where to search […]

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